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about me

Image by Jens Kreuter
Hi! I'm Mrs. B

When I was eight months pregnant with our daughter, Mr. B informed me that we would be moving from Arizona to California...indefinitely! That last month was crazy as I worked on moving house and home and setting up prenatal care in a new place. But after our daughter was born and the adrenaline wore off, I was left without much of a support network. I started this blog when my daughter was almost two months old as a way for me to connect with other moms, both locally and online. I hold traditional views about marriage, motherhood, and home keeping, and I wanted a place where I could share them while I settled into my new community.


As for me, I am a former elementary teacher and hold a Bachelor's of Science in Family Studies at The University of Arizona. Most of what I know about motherhood comes from the godly women I've known in my life and of course, my Polish background. Most of the women in my family raised their children at home and for me, that is what has always felt most natural when I thought about how I wanted to raise my own family. The Bible is and always will be my blueprint for not just motherhood, but womanhood. I am far from a perfect example of the Proverbs 31 woman but the Lord continues to work on me.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope to learn a little about you and your journey as well.


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